
Waku is a React framework that supports React Server Components (RSCs), a new feature that will be available in a future version of React. RSCs allow developers to render UI components on the server, improving performance and enabling server-side features. To use RSCs, a framework is necessary for bundling, optionally server, router and so on.

Waku takes a minimalistic approach, providing a minimal API that allows for multiple feature implementations and encourages growth in the ecosystem. For example, the minimal API is not tied to a specific router. This flexibility makes it easier to build new features.

Waku uses Vite internally, and while it is still a work in progress, it will eventually support all of Vite's features. It can even work as a replacement for Vite + React client components. While using RSCs is optional, it is highly recommended for improved user and developer experiences.

Current Date: 2023-10-23T23:25:04.644Z